one of the major parasites of cattle 意味

  • 畜牛の主要寄生虫の 1 つ


        brand one's cattle:    畜牛{ちくぎゅう}に焼き印を押す
        cattle:     cattle n. 牛. 【動詞+】 We bed the cattle on straw. 牛をわらの上に寝かせる brand cattle 牛に(所有者の目じるしの)焼き印を押す breed cattle for meat 肉用に牛を繁殖させる drive cattle to pasture 牛を牧草地に追っていく fatt
        contain parasites:    害虫{がいちゅう}が付いている
        infection with parasites:    寄生虫感染{きせいちゅう かんせん}
        insect parasites:    昆虫{こんちゅう}につく寄生虫{きせいちゅう}
        mind parasites:    {著作} : 《The ~》精神寄生体◆英1967《著》コリン?ウィルソン(Colin Wilson)
        minuscule parasites:    非常{ひじょう}に小さい寄生虫{きせいちゅう}
        population of parasites:    寄生生物集団{きせい せいぶつ しゅうだん}
        subcutaneous parasites:    皮下{ひか}に棲む寄生虫{きせいちゅう}
        test for parasites:    寄生虫{きせいちゅう}の検査{けんさ}
        change one's major:    専攻{せんこう}を変える
        differ in one major way:    一つの点で大きく異なる
        invite one's major customers to:    主要{しゅよう}な顧客{こきゃく}を~に招待{しょうたい}する
        major milestone in one's life:    人生{じんせい}の一大重要事件{いちだい じゅうよう じけん}
        one of the major members:    主要会員{しゅよう かいいん}の一人


  1. "one of the major achievements of soviet technology" 意味
  2. "one of the major benefits of the scheme is that…" 意味
  3. "one of the major issues in the movement" 意味
  4. "one of the major members" 意味
  5. "one of the major menaces to modern civilization" 意味
  6. "one of the major social movements" 意味
  7. "one of the major universities in tokyo" 意味
  8. "one of the many things someone enjoys" 意味
  9. "one of the masterpieces of the collection" 意味
  10. "one of the major members" 意味
  11. "one of the major menaces to modern civilization" 意味
  12. "one of the major social movements" 意味
  13. "one of the major universities in tokyo" 意味

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